Auditions for Mariner Drama's production of CLUE Onstage will be held, VIRTUALLY, from August 5 through 9, 2024.
You will follow the instructions below and submit a video audition for the show.
Please notes that CLUE Onstage will be performed on Thursday, September 26 and Saturday, September 28, 2024 at the East China Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. We will perform a Friday school-day matinee on Friday, September 27th.
Tech week begins Saturday, September 14th and runs through Wednesday, September 25th at the East China P.A.C. Rehearsals will begin the week of August 11th.
You will follow the instructions below and submit a video audition for the show.
Please notes that CLUE Onstage will be performed on Thursday, September 26 and Saturday, September 28, 2024 at the East China Performing Arts Center at 7 p.m. We will perform a Friday school-day matinee on Friday, September 27th.
Tech week begins Saturday, September 14th and runs through Wednesday, September 25th at the East China P.A.C. Rehearsals will begin the week of August 11th.
How to audition.
1) Get to know the characters and the show. There is a FUN, 1985 movie (the play is BASED off the film) with Tim Curry. Check it out!
This adaptation will be the one that is MOST like ours-
This adaptation will be the one that is MOST like ours-
- WADSWORTH, a traditional British butler in every sense: uptight, formal and “by the book.” The driving force in the play.
- YVETTE, a loyal and flirtatious French servant.
- M. SCARLET, a dry, sardonic D. C. madam, most interested in secrets
- M. PEACOCK, the wealthy spouse of a senator. A bit batty, neurotic, and quick to hysteria.
- M. WHITE, a pale, morbid, and tragic person.. Mrs. White may or may not be the murderer of their five ex-partners.
- COLONEL MUSTARD, a puffy, pompous, dense, blowhard of a military colonel.
- PROFESSOR PLUM, an arrogant academic, easily impressed by themselves.
- M. GREEN, a timid yet officious & anxious rule follower.
- THE COOK, a gruff individual with a threatening presence. (Alive and Dead.)
- SINGING TELEGRAM GIRL, a tap dancer with a heart of gold. (Alive and Dead.)
- M. BODDY, a slick, Frank Sinatra, film noir-esque type person. (Alive and Dead.)
- THE MOTORIST, a benign player who rings the wrong door- bell. (Alive and Dead.)
- CHIEF OF POLICE, a cop who helps to save the day.
- THE “BROKEN DOWN CAR” COP, a regular Joe. (Alive and Dead.)
- BACKUP COP, backup for the chief.
2) Click the "clue_monolgues_1_" pdf file, select a monologue, rehearse it, record it, and submit it.
The VIDEO recording (due by MIDNIGHT on Friday, August 9th) IS your audition, so submit your BEST video. Casting will be released August 11th, 2024.
You can upload your video and share it to [email protected].
Or you can just email it to me @ [email protected].
You MUST submit an online cast application to be considered for a role (See #3).
The VIDEO recording (due by MIDNIGHT on Friday, August 9th) IS your audition, so submit your BEST video. Casting will be released August 11th, 2024.
You can upload your video and share it to [email protected].
Or you can just email it to me @ [email protected].
You MUST submit an online cast application to be considered for a role (See #3).
clue_monologues__1_.pdf |
3) Submit an ONLINE cast application by Friday, August 11, 2024 at midnight. Click the box below. Fill out the form (HONESTLY) and submit it ON TIME. No cast application means I cannot consider your video audition.
You must also submit a clear and nice HEADSHOT to my email for announcement purposes. Please don't submit a random selfie. Have someone take a headshot for you and submit it to [email protected].
If you do not submit a headshot, it may affect your casting.
You must also submit a clear and nice HEADSHOT to my email for announcement purposes. Please don't submit a random selfie. Have someone take a headshot for you and submit it to [email protected].
If you do not submit a headshot, it may affect your casting.